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1-2 Socket
ZSS109-Q ZSS101-M ZSS124-Q

Powerfull Xeon Quad Core with small form factor

Quad core optimal computing power
system security
Provide distinct multi-tasking / Intel quad core CPU Powerfull computing inovation Game Portal and IDC business

ZSS132-Q ZSS152 ZSS146
Powerfull computing inovation Game Portal and IDC business Powerfull quad core 2 socket 2U server for Portal and IDC business Optimized high functioning CAD system and Improved 2 socket server

4 Socket
ZSS230-X ZSS232
Dual server system design, 4 socket 4U server service Direct bus system design/
RMM2 remote control/SAS Expansion design
Data consistent control

8 Socket
Applied building block type 4 socket based 8 socket extendable, Intel geon 7100 series

16 Socket

Itanium2 32 process Enterprise type server

Storage Max Series
ZCX150 ZCX300 ZCX3-10c
Double controller system
Active-Active storage process,mirroring cache

Dynamic extends disk drive upto 60 storage system

StorageMAX ZCX3-10c UltraScale

ZCX3-40f ZCX3-80

StorageMAX ZCX3 UltraScale

Navisphere Management Suite
SnapView local copy
MirrorView remote copy

Navisphere Management Suite
SnapView local copy
MirrorView remote copy