
 Seaky Integrates production control and management using whole process information technology for agriculture, fishery and livestock cooperatives.
Through analyzing all about H/W, S/W and N/W information technologies, it maximize effective integration information system and strategy management which extends area of Manufacture, distribution service and public service
Solution that reduces the costs of sales management by using information technology such as EDI, barcode and POS system in sales, warehousing and shipping, inventory management of all products generated in distribution business areas (e.g. agricultural, livestock, fisheries cooperatives and general chains), and that provides customers with service by managing customer's information, and which can be used as data for marketing strategy-making. From this year, in particular, POS system for agricultural retail distribution is being supplied across the country.
We configured the integrated management solution ranging from production to sales and organization management in manufacturing area related to farmers and fishermen such as feedstuff plant, milk plant, meat products processing plant, chicken plant, joint market and ice plant.
In cooperation with Samsung SDS, we accepted an order for general administrative Information system for cities supported by MOGAHA and developed the system in such areas as livestock, fisheries, environment, forest, civil defense and internal administration. To provide administrative agencies with the system nationwide, we also completed system distribution through participation in popularization team in partnership with SDS and are now taking part in maintenance. In addition, we supplied H/W to public agencies such as MOMAF and MCT.
In cooperation with Oracle, we provide CRM and ERP for financial institutions such as Bank, Insurance, Stock and Investment & Trust, and provide related solutions to increase their competitive edge.
Educational Institution
We provide H/W and S/W such as school Intranet, security solution, Internet and education solution.